Brand & Proposition
British Army — Be The Best
The aim is to provide quick, digestible insight into the six trades within The Royal Corps of Signals — produced to attract and whet the appetite of the viewer, prompting them to conduct their own further research. These videos are aimed at anyone who is interested in joining the Army but may have some questions before doing so, anyone in the process of applying, or gatekeepers that have someone looking to join and need clarification on a few points.

The series covers the following trades: EWSI, Comms Infrastructure Engineer, Info Services Engineer, Network Engineer, Power Engineer and Supply Chain Operative.
90 secs with: Electronic Warfare & Signals Intelligence
90 secs with: comms. infrastructure engineer
90 secs with: Information Services Engineer
90 secs with: Power Engineer
70 secs with: Network Engineer
70 secs with: Supply Chain Operative