Photo © Finn. P
Who am i?
I'm a designer / art director based in Oxfordshire. 
My wife and I have a wonderful Cat called Riley, who kindly allows us to live in the house with her. Cheers then.
My parents decided to give me a drum kit when I was 7 years old, and I’ve enjoyed making noise ever since. Along the way, I’ve been very fortunate to have performed at major festivals around the UK and mainland Europe, recorded drums on six albums (two of which have been lucky enough to chart, crazy...) and toured around the world playing shows (read: making noise) to god knows how many people.
Also, I think I might have an unhealthy obsession with F1 — the first step is admitting you have a problem, right?
why hire me?
Putting it simply... I give a shit. I genuinely give a damn about the quality of the work which goes out to the world. Be it the tone of voice of microcopy on a CTA, a 728 x 90 banner, or an entire experiential project — each of these (and everything inbetween) are an expression and portrayal of your brand. Therefore, everything must be on point. Consistency is key to effective brand building.